Sansevieria Cylindrica
Also known as the African Spear plant. The Sansevieria cylindrica or cylindrical snake plant are a part of the asparagaceae family and our natives to Africa These guys have distinct look with a thick base on each singular stalk that can grow several feet long. When several stalks grow in the rosette pattern it can make for a very dramatic looking plant. The unique form and texture of the cylindrical leaves add a modern and elegant touch to any indoor setting. On top of that, their hardy nature makes them pretty maintenance free. Sansevieria spear plants are known for their air-purifying abilities. They help remove toxins such as formaldehyde and benzene from the air.
Plant Care Tips
WateringSansevieria need to be watered thoroughly and deeply each time. But then left alone until soil dries out completely before the next watering occurs. They are drought tolerant largely because they store excess water in the leaves so although they may look dried out they may still have stored up reserves to feed off of.
LightingThrives and grows best in bright, indirect sunlight. Snake plants can all survive in low light but they will only be maintaining life, not growing.
Heat & Humidity Spear plants prefers a 60 to 75° temperature with little humidity, making them pretty ideal for indoors. S
Soil Medium The spear plant loves cactus or succulent designed potting soils. Well draining soil is a must to prevent root rot. If you notice the spears feel squishy or droop that's a sign of overwatering and you should hold off for longer periods.
The most common problem Sansevieria have is root rot from being overwatered. It's just very easy to accidentally do so remember to not water until soil completely dry. Water thoroughly and deep then but let all the excess water drain out so it's not sitting in any water.
They are pretty susceptible to weevils and mealy bugs as well but if caught early they can be combated with basic pesticides sold at any local hardware store
Sansevieria spear plants are a versatile and attractive addition to any indoor plant collection. With their striking appearance and air-purifying qualities, they offer both aesthetic and practical benefits.