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ZZ Plant


Embrace easy excellence with our elegant ZZ Plant

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Zamioculcas Zamiifolia.  The ZZ Plant is a great plant for beginners because of it's low light tolerance and ease of care! Characterized by their shiny, oval-shaped deep green leaves that tend to look waxy.  ZZ plants make excellent additions to any home or office.  It is a great air purifying option that can tolerate low light. The ZZ grows smooth, naturally shiny leaves that range from bright lime in their youth to an emerald green in their maturity. Individual leaflets are typically one to three inches long. These leaves grow in a symmetrical pattern along the plant's stems, giving it a lush and full appearance. Rumored to bring good fortune and luck they can be known as eternity plants and fortune tree

Plant Care Tips

Watering   One of the rare ways you can kill a ZZ plant is by overwatering. It can handle alot of neglect but you do want to water when top inch or 2 of the soil is dry. It has huge rhizomes at its base that store water so it can survive several weeks without being watered. Water less frequently during the winter months even.

Lighting  ZZ Plants grow best in well lit spaces with medium to bright indirect light. They do adapt well to low light environment but will grow much slower than a better lit area. It can even handle flourescent lighting which makes it a terrific choice in office environments. Avoid direct sunlight however as it could burn the leaves. 

Heat & Humidity  These guys can survive a pretty good range but nothing below 45 degrees. 60 or slightly above is ideal.  They don't mind some humidity but don't require more than an average household would naturally be

Soil Medium  A peat moss based soil that drains well works the best as these guys will suffer root rot fairly quickly if water is trapped in the soil. 

ZZ plants leaves can look waxy and dusty pretty easily if not maintained properly.  Just use a little water or soapy water to wipe down regularly and maintain that shine!  A bit of pruning helps prevent your ZZ plant from becoming leggy and sparse if it starts growing that way.  Use a sharp, sterile pruner to make cuts at a 45-degree angle just above a leaf node. In a few weeks, you'll notice fresh growth emerging. As the bottom leaves begin to age and lose color, be sure to remove them. Additionally, trimming the stems back bourage a fuller appearance in your ZZ plants 

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